Shooting Schedule

This is my Shooting Schedule

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Shoot 3

I've filmed at the Colne Valley visitor centre this time with my second actor and I feel it went quite well, I had followed example from my second shoot and created a shoot schedule so I knew what I needed to shoot and what angles I required so I wasn't left unsure of what I had to do.

I still feel that I'm not taking control completely in the sense I feel I have to rush to get the shooting completed quickly and get out of their hair. Due to this I often don't have a majority of shots or reshoots which means I may have missed or made a mistake with a shot and wont have many takes to choose from.

To improve I think I will just have to take control more and slow down the process to ensure that I get the best camera takes. I think I've filmed about 60% of the total amount of footage needed, my next shoot is once more at Black Park, so ideally I will shoot the remaining bulk in the coming few weeks due to my actor going away on holiday relatively soon. 

This gives me a good opportunity to really fine tune the shooting schedule and also work on my other ancillary tasks.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely reflective and this shows that you are encountering some of the varied issues that arise with student film-making. When you arrange to shoot somewhere I think it is important to be as up front with them about how long the shoot might take. This can result in them saying no but when you do find a location you can at least be there for the time that you need.

    I would have liked to read more of a technical discussion about the shots that you did get and which ones were usable etc. This would help you to make more effective decisions with regards to reshoots etc.
