Shooting Schedule

This is my Shooting Schedule

Friday, 16 July 2010

Short Film Analysis: Overview

From my analysis of short films, initially they focus on the visual or audio concepts very heavily - use of dialogue is minimal if any. This it seems allows the audience to really absorb the other components of the short film as well as enjoying the story telling process with the more exciting forms of portraying information.
Some of the short films I analysed used a plot twist towards the end to tie up the story in a neat cut or to change what was thought all along, which I believed when executed well was a great feeling for the audience to finish with. I.e Lovefield, INSiDE.
The short film has to convey meaning with every shot and must use the majority of aspects that belong to cinematography to tell the story. This enhances the experience and stops the audience from becoming bored, this way also saves time wasted on pointless continuity shots, perhaps following a character through their house, unless it is of relevance.

Short films are in essence miniture feature films and although they dont have to have any real solid plot to follow throughout narrative is key in retaining that a message of any form is put across to the audience. The Black Hole for example starts with a tired man's daily job routine; the character is not formally introduced but is built up as the short film progresses. His greed is apparent through his actions and the short is effective because it demonstrates quickly and effectively how to engage a short storyline. Furthermore it does so without spending time on aspects feature films would engage with such as drawn out character development or a thick plot.

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