Shooting Schedule

This is my Shooting Schedule

Monday, 28 February 2011

Marxist Film Theory

What is Marxist film theory?

Marxist film theory is the opposition to traditional Hollywood narrative structures in which it shuns featuring a singular protagonist and promotes group decision making. Essentially Marxist films will promote marxist ideas through film such as far right political views and believe Hollywood narratives promote capitalism.

How I think it has influenced my work.

When reflecting upon my rough cut I found it interesting that I had structered my narrative in a very Hollywood style in the sense it revolved around one protagonist and his represented the story from his perspective. I had also used shots of the character eating the well known "snickers" and drinking "Coke".
Furthermore I used the ultimately original male protagonist... These aspects generally popped into my head whilst brainstorming and I didn't question their relativity.

Initially I generally regarded myself as a independant thinker, whereas this research revealed to me how much my ideas can be influenced by what i've been watching and also as a result of advertising. Hopefully I will be able to consider these factors next time im going through the brain storming creative process, as this was quite a scary revelation.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Shoot 4

This is hopefully my final scheduled film shoot to gather the required footage for my short film.
This shoot included reshooting the panning shot which I felt went well, the only issue I had encountered is that I was unable to get the same SLR camera and had to settle for a slightly smaller version which means I will have to try to mitigate this during post-production.

The filming went well and I felt I was well prepared with props and shooting schedule regardless of the SLR camera issue. I employed the same technique which had worked well in previous shoots in which I prepared a small list of shots I needed and had sketched some of them out.
This helps me to get straight down to shooting the specific shots and angles I needed.

A further problem I had when filming was that I needed a shot of the mobile showing the protagonist receiving a text from his father. When I was filming the close up it was reflecting a lot of light which resulted in not really being able to see the text and also showing me in the reflection. To combat this I may try taking it again with a polarising lens to reduce this negative effect or perhaps I will animate the phones screen into a full screen shot. This would be an interesting extreme close up and should work as it follows a shot of the protagonist taking out his phone and looking at it.


I received some feedback on some of my filming:
  • A pan on one of my opening shots had a judder about mid way. I could either reshoot it or cut it into two shots. I will try the cut too see what it looks like but I will reshoot the scene in my upcoming final shoot, so I have both to choose from.
  • I was suggested about adding in a final shot of wiping away the water from the shop counter. This could symbolise the end of the ghosts existence and is a nice way to end the short with a meaningful shot.